The cooperative Network Social Economy is the operational body of the Social Economy. It comprises of a network of local businesses and organisations in the area of economy, culture or similar areas that support each other. The cooperative organises economic, social and cultural exchanges between its members and therefor creates a common infrastructure. It also offers advisory and other services regarding business formation, business administration, public relations activities, marketing and education. All of its members must fulfil the fundamental requirements: They are democratically organised, they are committed to social, ecological and cultureal values, and they safeguard the cooperative’s equity.
Current members of the cooperative:
- Verein Arbeitslosenkomitee der Region Basel
- Verein Bioterra Regionalgruppe Basel Nordwestschweiz
- Genossenschaft Restaurant Hirscheneck
- Verein IGA Interprofessionelle Gewerkschaft der Arbeiter/innen
- Genossenschaft Longo Mai
- Genossenschaft Druckkollektiv Phönix
- Verein Capribar
- Verein Lebensmittel Gemeinschaft Basel LGB
- Verein Ökogemeinde Binningen
- Verein Ökostadt Basel
- Verein Soziale Ökonomie
- Verein Urban AgriCulture NETZ Basel
- Verein Neustart Schweiz Regio Basel
- Eiscafé Acéro Basel
- Verein von Occupy Basel (VOBS)
- Genossenschaft Mietshäuser Syndikat