Membership & Donations

If you would like to support our efforts for a transformation towards local, social and ecological sustainability in the Basel region, you may:

  • become a member of the association:
    • Individuals from CHF 50.–
    • Organisations from CHF 200.–
  • become a patron of the association
  • use our local currency NetzBon (members are eligible for a discount) to support our network at no additional cost
  • become an open supporter by informing other people or organisations of our mission

Donations from CHF 100.– are tax-deductible. You will automatically receive a donation receipt in the following year.

Our bank account at the Alternative Bank Switzerland:
Verein Soziale Ökonomie
IBAN: CH03 0839 0033 8111 1000 5
PC account: 46-110-7

Donate now using our PayPal link:

Thank you very much in advance for your valued support.